< Hi, I'm Clayton Critchfield
A Software Developer >

I just graduated a coding bootcamp this past August and would love to connect. I've been dabbling on and off in code the past few years but finally decided to take the plunge when my daughter was born. "It's now or never!"

I love JavaScript's versatility and React, but also have experience in Python, Django, REST APIs, PostgreSQL, and more! Since graduating bootcamp I've been continuing my learning journey on frontend masters and am continuing to build projects.

If you have any project ideas for me or would want to work together I am currently in the job market! I look forward to hearing from you and thanks for checking out my portfolio

My Tech Stack:

HTML5 Logo CSS3 Logo Bootstrap Logo JavaScript Logo React Logo Python Logo Django Logo Git Logo


A Screenshot of my ToDo list project

To Do List

Built almost entirely in React and making use of the useState and useEffect hooks. Users can add tasks, double click event listener functionality to be able to edit tasks on the fly, filter tasks by completion status, mark items complete, and delete all completed tasks on the click of a button. Check it out and manage your ToDo's!

A Screenshot of my React Restaraunt project

React Restaraunt

Also built with React, users can filter (with the useState and useEffect hooks) through different restaraunt menu data retrieved through a 3rd party API using the Axios npm library to make a GET request. View the menu and get your tastebuds going!

A screenshot of my Word Masters project

Word Masters

A replica of the popular game, Wordle, which NY times bought in 2022 for a few million dollars. This app is built with HTML, CSS, and of course, JavaScript to capture core game logic and functionality. A single word per day is fetched from a 3rd party API upon the page loading in browser using an async init function. Users can try to guess the word where they will be told if word is invalid (flashing red animation), if their guess is close (letter is highlighted yellow), or if their guess contains a correct letter in the right spot (letter highlighted green). If the user guesses all 5 tiles they will be rewarded with a fun rainbow animation! Play it for yourself!